Oligosaccharide chemistry research group

Development of a synthetic method for the preparation of L-hexoses for
synthesis of oligosaccharides and their applications for the economical
synthesis of heparin analogues

The rare, but biologically widespread L-hexoses and their corresponding 6-deoxy counterparts play important roles in nature1. Although L-hexoses are not as prevalent as their enantiomers, the D-hexoses, numerous significant biomolecules contain L-sugars. The Lsugars are commercially available but most of them are very expensive (Table 1.). Therefore, it is important to produce L-sugars from common carbohydrates, which has always been a major challenge for chemists in the history of carbohydrate chemistry....(more)

Investigator: Dr. Mihály Herceg

Curriculum vitae


Work plan

First year

  • Preparation of the α-ethylthio-glucopyranoside in large scale, introduction of the proposed protecting groups (ester, ether), synthesis of 5,6-unsaturated d-glucose derivatives, optimization of the elimination reaction
  • Synthesis of the D-allose from D-glucose in large scale, preparation of the α-ethylthio-alloside and formation of the intended protecting groups, synthesis of 5,6-unsaturated D-allose derivatives
  • Perform of the hydroboration/oxidation test reactions, optimization; characterization of the obtained L-sugars
  • Testing of the 4,6-acetal ring closure reactions and transformation of the L-sugar into donors
  • Further transformation of the L-ido and L-talo configured derivatives
  • Publication of the results in referred international journal (2 publication)

Second year

  • Preparation of the L-altro and L-manno derivatives, characterization of the obtained L-sugars
  • Synthesis of the α-ethylthio-mannopyranoside in large scale, introduction of the proposed protecting groups (ester, ether), synthesis of 5,6-unsaturated D-glucose derivatives, optimization of the elimination reaction
  • Synthesis of the L-idose donor in large scale for the preparation of Fondaparinux
  • Preparation of D-aldose derivative in large scale from the planned D-mannose derivative
  • Synthesis and transformation of the L-gulose and L-galactose derivatives
  • Publication of the results in referred international journal (3 publications)
  • Publication of the results in a PhD dissertation

Third year

  • Synthesis of the 5,6-unsaturated D-altrose derivatives, optimization of the elimination reaction on the given derivatives
  • Preparation of the glucosamine monomers in large scale for the synthesis of Fondaparinux
  • Preparation of the L-allose and L-glucose derivatives, configuration analysis
  • Synthesis of glucuronic acid precursor for the production of Fondaparinux
  • Optimization of the glycosylation reactions, synthesis of the DE disaccharide donor and the FGH trisaccharide acceptor
  • Preparation of the protected pentasaccharide by [2+3] block synthesis, formation of the final groups, structural analysis
  • Publication of the results in referred international journal (3 publications)
Last update: 2022. 08. 09. 10:48