State exam practice

Dear 5th year Students,


We would like to inform you about the 4-month state exam practice in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2024/2025 between January 27–May 30, 2025.


Dates: 1. January 27 – February 28, 2025 (5 weeks), 2. March 3 – March 28, 2025 (4 weeks), 3. March 31 – May 2, 2025 (5 weeks), 4. May 5 – May 30, 2025 (4 weeks)


An important change compared to previous years is that final year students could already complete their 1-month compulsory institute/hospital practice in the 1st semester. If they have finished their institute practice, they will have to complete the State exam practice I. Prescription pharmacy course this semester.


You can start the state exam practice if you complete all the compulsory subjects from year I-V (1st semester) by the time of the practice.

Every part of the practice you have to do in Hungary.


Acceptance letter: form


Please take your letter of acceptance document to the Pharmacies (except the Hospital Pharmacy at University of Debrecen) and after the signatures electronically send them to Mrs. Szilvia Sipos. Her email address is

Deadline: December 13, 2024.


Please find the thematic, requirements of state exam practice on the Faculty of Pharmacy website: forms  


About certifying your practice

1. Students are required to describe one practical problem and it’s solution in the electronic workbook in max. half a page once in a week (Form: Electronic workbook in hospital pharmacy and in public pharmacy). The pharmacist in charge of the training evaluates the students' performance on a scale of 5.

At the end of the practice the students should send electronic workbook to the following email address: in a docx, doc or pdf. format.  Please, use the following file name: your name_stateexampractice_2025.


2. The electronic workbook does not replace the

- evaluation of electronic workbook (Form: Evaluation of electronic workbook of state exam practice in hospital pharmacy and in public pharmacy)

- attendance sheet – 6 hours/day at Pharmacy (Form: Attandance sheet),

- student final evaluation report (Form: Final Evaluation report for state exam practice).


that need to be hand in to the Registrar’s Office at the end of the practice: May 30, 2025.

The students' overall practical work is evaluated using a three-grade system.


All document need to be stamped and signed by the Pharmacist except the electronic workbooks.

Best regards,

Registrar's Office



Last update: 2024. 11. 27. 10:31