Dear Colleagues!
The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen is organizing the "Conference on Therapeutical Purposes Research and Development" for the third time. We look forward to presentations by university lecturers, researchers, PhD and undergraduate students in the fields of pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, biopharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry, industrial pharmacy, clinical pharmacy and drug monitoring.
The purpose of the conference is to get to know the latest results of different research fields, to get information, to ask questions and to share opinions. In addition, the conference provides an opportunity to present the results of various domestic and international R&D projects. We also provide young researchers, PhD and undergraduate students with the opportunity to present their work.
Date of the conference: February 2-3, 2023.
Location: Learning Center (LC1.03) University of Debrecen - Location Map
Application deadline (with abstract): 9th of January, 2023.
The duration of the presentation is 10 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
We expect the abstract from applicants in Hungarian or English, according to the speaker's choice.
The text of the abstract can be a maximum of 2,000 characters with spaces (including references). An abstract template is available via the following page: https://pharm.unideb.hu/hu/conference-therapeutic-turposes-research-and…
We plan to publish a book of abstracts with an ISBN number. For this, it is necessary to submit an abstract according to the above-mentioned template together with the application. Please send the abstracts to the following e-mail address: vasvari.gabor@pharm.unideb.hu (subject: DEBRECEN-2023)
The conference will be held in hybrid form,
Participation is free!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/699481208368175/?active_tab=about More information: https://pharm.unideb.hu/hu/conference-therapeutic-purposes-research-and…
The Organizing Committee