Research profile of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Research Topics:


• Carbohydrate chemistry, synthesis of biologically active oligosaccharides

• Synthesis of antiviral and antibacterial glycopeptide antibiotics

• Production of cannabidiol and cannabigerol derivatives

• Synthesis of neuraminic acid derivatives

• Production of nucleic acid analogues

• Application of thiol-click reaction for the production of carbohydrate derivatives

• Development of potential SGLT2 inhibitors

• Production of O,N-heterocycles from carbohydrate precursors


Ongoing Projects:


OTKA K 132870 Production of three-dimensional, chiral N-heterocycles from carbohydrates, lead researcher: Prof. Dr. Anikó Borbás

FK137924 Synthesis and biological examination of heparin-analog oligosaccharides with potential cell growth inhibitory effects, lead researcher: Dr. Mihály Herczeg

FK142315 Synthesis of antiviral and antibacterial compounds against dangerous viruses and resistant bacteria, lead researcher: Dr. Ilona Bakai-Bereczki

PD146805 Production of potential glycosidase enzyme inhibitor O,N-heterocycles from carbohydrate precursors, lead researcher: Dr. Erika Hevesi-Mező



Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 07. 22. 19:07